Loving God, Loving Others
Thanks to all the wonderful people who make ministry happen at GBC!!
To see who is serving this week, click here.

Vision and Values
Our Vision:
We see people being radically transformed by Jesus, generously sharing His grace and love with our community.
Our Values:
Gospel Driven - All we do is gospel inspired. GBC is a diverse group of people united in Jesus through His gospel. The good news that Jesus died for sin and rose again gives us eternal life, changes our relationships, fuels our obedience, empowers our service, increases our generosity, and challenges us to see all people through the lens of grace.
Grace Relationships - Grace has been generously given to us through Jesus, so we freely give it to others. We will intentionally build otherworldly relationships, rooted in transparency and humility.
Transformed by Truth – Because of the gospel we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit and freed from both self-righteousness and self-condemnation. Through the powerful work of the Holy Spirit, the Scriptures are used by God to transform our lives.
Service and Generosity – Jesus didn’t come to be served but to serve and give His life, so we will show His love through uncommon service and generosity. We will serve one another; our neighbors and the community in which we live.
Outward Focus –The presence of Jesus’ followers in our community must be good news to everyone! We desire to live as neighbors and friends, reaching out into our city and our world to share the good news of Jesus in every possible way.