Loving God, Loving Others
Thanks to all the wonderful people who make ministry happen at GBC!!
To see who is serving this week, click here.

Rob Gray
Discipleship Ministry
Rob has lived in Montana for over 40 years. He grew up and graduated High School in Billings, MT from Billings West High. He met his wife Kris in Laurel in 1984 and they were married in 1986. He surrendered his life to Christ in 1990 just in time to become “new” before their first son (Levi) was born. Rob and Kris have another son (Seth) and a daughter (Brianna) too. Rob spent 21 years in management for SUPERVALU in Logistics and Engineered Labor Standards. In 2005 he took a position at New Day, Inc. as their Director of Personnel and in 2007 joined the staff at GBC as Discipleship Pastor. Rob enjoys fishing, hiking, physical fitness, hunting and ice cream.