Loving God, Loving Others
Thanks to all the wonderful people who make ministry happen at GBC!!
To see who is serving this week, click here.


Nursery & Toddlers
This is currently a play time and a chance for our moms and dads to hear the sermon. We also enjoy reading and singing with these little ones about Jesus as time allows.
This is a class time with a video based Bible story and some age appropriate activities. There is also some play time as well. This class is for kids who are at least 3 years old and completely potty trained.
If you have any questions pertaining to our Children's Ministry or if you have children that would like to be a part of this awesome time, please call the church @
Kingdom Kids:
Our Kingdom Kids Ministry is for kids in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Kids get checked in on the north end of the building in the North 40 before service. While parents hear their sermon, the kids will learn about Jesus and His faithfulness in a kid-friendly environment. We pray together, we play games together, and we tie the lesson in with our activity. Kids must be picked up and signed out at the North 40 check-in station after services as well.

If you have any questions or concerns, we invite you to call the church at 628-4978 or our children's
ministry director Kelsey Stene 406-425-1174